Getting Back On Your Feet

One of the most frustrating things is getting to a point in your life where you feel so good just to be picked up off of your cloud. We all have days like these and sometimes they leave us feeling in a much worse spot than we had intended. Days can pass by and even weeks where we feel the weight of the past looming over us. The issue with this negativity is that it can bring down not one, not two but eventually all aspects of our lives.

So what are we to do when we find ourselves in a rut?

1. You are human.
We all make mistakes. It’s just how the world works. There have been plenty of great minds that have openly admitted to making hundreds if not thousands of mistakes before getting to their great Aha! moment. Even after that moment there are times where we will, yet again, find ourselves in a sad spot. This is just the ebb and flow of life. For some, life is good 98 percent of the time and bad only 2 percent of the time. For the majority of these people it’s because they know how to let go and bounce back.

2. Step away from the situation!
Okay, so you’re beating yourself up because you know that you have messed up. Your life seems like it’s in shambles and you keep saying “What if…?” Take a step back. What can you learn from this? How has this helped you? (Notice I used the word help because it will help you!) How can you prevent this from happening again? By taking a step back and re-evaluating there is a strong possibility that you may not have messed up as bad as you think. There may be a simple way out or maybe there needs to be a few steps to take to get you back. If this is not a high priority situation in your life, drop it. It’s not worth the burden of carrying something that may not matter a few years from now.

3. Gain insight and speak to people!
One of the most frustrating and upsetting things is feeling like we don’t belong. Like what we have done has never ever been a fault of someone else. I’m sure that most would be surprised that we have much more in common with our fellow neighbors than we think. Now, it may not be that they made the same mistakes or have been in the same situation but they could have been some place similar. Even if they haven’t it’s good to get some advice from family and friends to help pull you through this rough patch.

4. You will get through this
Finally, know that you will get through this. Yeah, yeah you’ve made a horrible mistake but guess what? Tomorrow will come, and the next day will come and each day will be much brighter than the past. You will be fine and you will get through this. Keep your head up and walk tall. There’s no better time to learn from this than now and it’s best to do it with a positive outlook.

So there you have it, it’s possible to get out of that nasty place and into the sunshine yet again. And hey, if anyone needs some help you are always more than welcome to send me an e-mail or message. We’ll talk it out and pull you back from the depths of the darkness!

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3 thoughts on “Getting Back On Your Feet

  1. […] One of the most frustrating things is getting to a point in your life where you feel so good just to be picked up off of your cloud. We all have days like these and sometimes they leave us feeling in a much worse spot than we had intended. Days can pass by and even weeks where we feel the weight of the past looming over us. The issue with this negativity is that it can bring down not one, not two but eventually all aspects of our lives. So what a … Read More […]

  2. Liza Bennett says:

    Very good advice. This post is relevant to many people during these troubled times. Sometimes all it takes is reading some thoughtful suggestions to make a change. I shared your post with my FB friends.

    • riaroseknows says:

      I really appreciate that a lot. There are so many of us that are struggling to get by in this world and there are so many simple ways to try and get past all the drama and negativity going on around us. Thank you so much for sharing my post and for taking the time out to read 🙂

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